follow the logs

Well, on a high-traffic mail server we need to follow the server log, to look for possible issues. The “tail -f” method might just not be as good as we would want, text is going up too fast and web just can’t read that fast. A solution to that is…
Tips & Tricks

Per site custom CSS

Let’s say you’re on a news website for instance, that you read a lot, but each time you look on the website you can’t tell if you already visited that portion of the website or not. Let’s say you still have a chance, there’s a Firefox and Chrome add-on…
Tips & Tricks

MySQL requires maintenance

Even if you’re running on a tiny VPS or on a huge server when you have a LAMP stack your biggest memory consumer will probably be MySQL. Some even prefer running it on a different machine when it comes to high traffic web apps. But, as your apps are put…
Tips & Tricks

modern days aliases

Asuming we have on a mail server(that hosts some external aliases, like has an alias for, which is hosted on a different server, probably on a different mail provider. Typically when a mail is sent to, it’s sender’s mail server sends the mail to the MX…
Tips & Tricks

OpenVPN and Android

To be honest I use OpenVPN quite rarely on my Android tablet, and it happens only when I need to access certain locations that tie me to a certain IP address. This type of connection could be more often used when the tabled would serve as an email reading device…
Tips & Tricks